Finding Your Place in the Kingdom of God!

There is a clear teaching in the Scriptures that presents a key principle that we need to understand in order to properly walk in our kingdom assignment.

Another parable put he forth unto them, saying, the kingdom of heaven is likened unto a man which sowed good seed in his field. ( Matthew 13:24 )

Notice the phrase in his field. For us to operate properly in the kingdom of God, we need to understand the field which the Lord has placed us. As I have equipped saints in many areas of the country, I have seen a real frustration with many who feel out of place in where they are sowing. This parable is a great indication that we need to know our field, so that we sow in the right place. In other scriptures in Matthew the phrase , in his field is repeated. The Lord would surely want us, the good seed, to sow in the place he has sent us as an apostolic people.

Have you ever had the sense , you were in the wrong place, just buying time until you find clear direction from the Lord. The Lord wants us to be people of purpose and destiny. Take some time and settle in your heart the place and the people you are called to pour into. Make sure you don’t just go through the motions because someone guilted you into doing something that God did not lead you to do. We need to have our own vision, mandated from the Lord. If we are always building someone else’s vision, we will neglect our own call and assignment from the Lord. Yes we should help others in the body to fulfill their God given assignements. But what about you? What is a burning desire, which is burning in your heart, that you desire to accomplish for God. Is His word burning in your soul? Spend time in His presence. Seek him with your whole heart. Seek godly counsel from those who want to release you into your calling, not control you to build their own empire.

The Lord has the perfect place for you to operate in His kingdom. It is your field where you are suppose to sow your life into. Many call this, your sphere of influence. This field in located in the Kingdom, where you live twenty fours hours a day. This field normally is not in a church building, although you might minister there, but in your area of influence where God is working in you and through you to demonstrate his awesome love and grace to the people he has sent around you. You are the King’s ambassador. Take your assignment serious.

Pastor Jack Irvin Sr.